馬克思主義簡介:政治經濟學3 分工和世界體系理論







































Introduction to Marxism: Marx's theory of the division of labor

This video will introduce Marx's theory of the division of labor, discuss the impact of capital globalization on the international landscape, and briefly examine the strategic choices of China and the United States within this framework.

Divide the work

The division of labor refers to the allocation of different tasks to different individuals, thereby increasing specialization. According to Marx, the division of labor is both a result of the development of productive forces and a measure of a nation's level of productivity. The more refined the division of labor, the higher the level of productivity.

In the gatherer and hunter-oriented primitive society, there was no division of labor, and all members of the tribe were required to jointly make tools and participate in labor. Later, it gradually experienced the division of labor between animal husbandry and agriculture, the division of labor between agriculture and handicrafts, and the division of labor between industries and commerce such as handicrafts, which was called the three social division of labor, also known as the "inter-industry division of labor." After entering the feudal society, the city developed the division of labor of industries and professions, and there were different industries such as blacksmiths, stonemasons, sailors, painters and doctors, also known as "intra-industry division of labor".

According to dialectical materialism, only with agricultural technology can there be professional farmers, and when there is a certain number of farmers, it will in turn promote the further development of agricultural technology. As a result of the division of labor, farmers do not know how to blacksmith, and blacksmiths do not know how to plow the fields. Cooperation among members of society is the premise of social large-scale production, and also promotes the development of trade.

After entering capitalist society, with machine production, there is a single product in the production process of the division of labor, also known as "product division of labor", workers focus on one of the production processes, proficiency is greatly improved, the error rate is greatly reduced.

Marx believes that there are two ways to increase productivity: first, quantity changes, and increases in population and production scale tend to bring higher productivity. The second is qualitative change, the new mode of production can produce more goods with less manpower, resources and time. The obvious feature of capitalism is the use of science and technology to increase productivity, to achieve a finer division of labor, from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Alienation of labor

The division of labor drives the development of productive forces, the accumulation of wealth, and the progress of civilization. However, every benefit comes with a cost, and one such cost is the "alienation of labor." Alienation refers to the transformation of the subject into the object; in the context of labor, it means that workers, who should be the masters of their own labor, become enslaved to the machines they operate.

Marx believes that the meaning of labor lies in "self-realization", if the laborer can reflect the value of his own existence in the goods he produces, work can become the source of happiness. But in the age of capitalism, the proletariat, after selling its labor power to the capitalists, although it will gain wages and develop its professional skills, it will also lose control of the product.

After the large-scale implementation of assembly line production, the alienation of labor is especially obvious. The division of labor on the assembly line is forced, and it is almost impossible for the workers on the production line to choose the division of labor at will. Workers can only be responsible for a simple step in a process, there is no way to know how a product is made, sometimes even the use of the product do not know, work simply to receive wages, there is no way to understand how their work can contribute to society, naturally, there is no way to experience the happiness of self-realization.

Virtual economy

As capitalism evolves, capital itself becomes subject to division. In Marx's era, "industrial capitalists," who were directly involved in production, held the dominant position. Later, in the pursuit of higher profits, "financial capitalists," who were not directly involved in production, emerged.

After a series of complex operations of industrial capital, capitalists in different sectors distribute the surplus value according to the proportion of investment. The commercial capitalists, in the form of commercial profits, the loan capitalists, in the form of interest, the landlords, in the form of rents, and the state, in the form of taxes, all take part in the division of the surplus value produced by Labour. As forms of transfer become more complex, especially after financialization, it is increasingly difficult to perceive the role of labor in creating value.

Capitalists have too much profit, in addition to the blind investment mentioned earlier, when the productive real economy can not provide more profits, capital will flow to the virtual economy such as finance and securities. At the beginning, virtual capital still serves production and helps industrial capitalists raise funds. However, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. After a large number of capital enters, the profits of capitalists in the virtual economy will be higher than those in the real economy. Once the virtual economy overexpands, greatly exceeding the scope that the real economy can support, and even when the real economy is decouped, the entire country's economy will be out of real into virtual, resulting in a bubble.

This situation was predicted by Marx in Volume III of Capital, when he assessed that this virtual capital, which has no direct relation to production, would eventually only periodically wipe out a part of the industrial capitalists, and the process was equally brutal.

World system theory

When the capitalist division of labor expands internationally, it forms an international division of labor, which can be divided into roughly three stages. In Marx's time, core countries produced industrial goods, while peripheral countries engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, and resource exports, representing an "inter-industry division of labor."

Marx also predicted that this division of labor would continue to develop after his death. In order to maximize profits, capital needs to find cheaper labor, so manufacturing will flow to backward regions, and the international division of labor will develop into "intra-industry division of labor." Finally, the rise of the multinational corporation, where different parts of a product can be done in different countries, is called "intra-product division". It is equivalent to repeating the history of human division of labor at the international level.

Later economists summarized Marx's views into "world system theory" and divided them into core states, semi-peripheral states and peripheral states.

The core countries are advanced industrial countries with high technology and capital-intensive production. Semi-border countries lack high-end technology and capital, and can only accept mature or outdated technologies from core countries for low-end manufacturing, which is labor-intensive production. Border countries have little technology and no capital, and can only export raw materials to core countries, which is a resource-intensive production.

Take smart phones as an example, the core countries design and control the most important key components, such as chip design and lithography machine; Semi-frontier countries use photolithography to make chips and assemble mobile phones; Border countries can only export raw materials.

Viewed from the perspective of labor theory of value, both technology and capital are cumulative labor or dead labor.

From the perspective of technology, industrialization has accumulated a lot of dead labor to bring technological advantages. But these technologies can only be sustainably profitable through new labor, living labor. This is also why capital from core countries must continue to invest in semi-frontier countries where labor costs are lower.

From the perspective of capital, only the currency of the core country can become the exported capital, because the value of money depends on the productivity of labor, and the factor that most affects the productivity of labor is the productivity of society. Therefore, the core countries can establish various rules of international trade, form an international division of labor system, and share the surplus value. Core countries are in a dominant position in the international division of labor system, which can alienate semi-border or border countries, so that some countries are clearly independent, but in fact they are puppets of core state capital, the most extreme example is called banana Republic, interested friends can go online to see.

The international division of labor also brings certain opportunities and challenges to both semi-border countries and core countries:

For semi-border countries, integration into the international division of labor system, on the one hand, will get development opportunities, on the other hand, will be restricted by various rules, and the gap with the core countries is difficult to narrow. There are many countries in the world with large populations, and only by participating in the international division of labor can they obtain the necessary capital and technology to enable the development of the entire industry. Similarly, there are many countries that have natural resources, but these resources are not valuable until they are extracted through labor, and they usually need to be anchored in the currency of the core country, such as oil and the dollar.

For the core countries, capitalists have no motherland, and all kinds of capital in the core countries can share the labor value of semi-border and border countries, thus deepening the hidden labor value, which is also the reason why it is difficult for the people of advanced countries to perceive the labor value. However, it does not mean that it does not exist. The international division of labor will bring about the problem of workers' unemployment and affect the political situation. Capitalists do not need to consider these problems, and politicians in core countries will turn their blame on foreign countries and will not discuss that this is the inevitable result of capital's pursuit of profit.

Core countries want to maintain the international division of labor, the way is still in capital and technology, on the one hand, it is necessary to prevent semi-border countries from developing high-tech, and formulate industry standards or quality certification standards; On the other hand, it is necessary to prevent the currency internationalization of semi-border countries and form a diversified "monetary union".


To some extent, the purpose of communism is to eliminate the alienation of the division of labor. Marx once imagined that in a communist society, there would be no special division of labor, but that human beings would do all kinds of work according to their own interests.

Marx's vision of communism can only be realized when the productive forces have risen to a certain stage. In the socialist stage, when the productive forces were relatively backward, neither Marx nor his good friend Engels believed that the division of labor could be eliminated.

Division of labor is the result of the development of social productive forces, and it is impossible to forcibly increase or cancel the division of labor. In theory, socialism should create more productive forces than capitalism, rather than return to primitive society. Therefore, socialism can only alleviate the problems caused by alienation in various labor-democratic ways, such as honoring model workers, ensuring workers' right to information, and involving workers in management and decision-making.


The question of whether profit arises from exchange or labor is a topic of ongoing debate among economists. From the perspective of the international division of labor, it is evident that even though the virtual economies of core countries are highly developed, they still rely on productive investments in semi-peripheral countries with lower labor costs.

In our opinion, although the value of labor has become extremely complex under the international division of labor system, it is inconsistent with reality to deny the theory of labor value at least in the present stage.

Examples of border and semi-border countries overrunning core countries are rare. In this round of Sino-US game, a core demand of the United States is to ask China to give up subsidies for advanced manufacturing and maintain its status in the semi-frontier. The United States also hopes that manufacturing will return to solve the problem of the economy from real to virtual. For China, further development is possible only by increasing productivity, accumulating capital and technology, and striving for the right to define various standards and rules.

The third volume of Capital, published 11 years after Marx's death and edited from the manuscript by his friend Engels, contains many arguments that are not fully developed. Marx is not a prophet, Marxism is not a religion, of course, it is impossible to accurately predict the society more than 100 years later, and we should not use the way of religious creed to understand Marxism, but this does not prevent the use of his views to develop, innovate, and form new theories, such as the world system theory introduced here. Those who are interested can find Volume 3 of Das Kapital for themselves, and perhaps there will be some new inspiration.



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