馬克思主義簡介:辯證唯物主義 https://youtu.be/mu3aj0ItAIM
馬克思主義簡介:歷史唯物主義 https://youtu.be/-GUVgjk1Fts
馬克思主義簡介:辯證唯物主義 https://youtu.be/9EU6949PEqc
馬克思主義簡介:歷史唯物主義 https://youtu.be/kBb1SpovVX4
科學的意義某程度上在於發現規律,例如元素週期表,發現了元素之間的規律;而進化論,發現了生物進化的規律。規律不但可以解釋過去,也可以推演未來。馬克思運用辯證唯物主義,總結人類歷史的發展規律,稱為歷史唯物主義(Historical Materialism)。
狹義來說,「生產關係」(Relations of production)是人類在生產的過程當中,與其他人的關係。在資本主義社會中,資產階級擁有生產資料,無產階級沒有生產資料,只能付出自己的體力或腦力給資本家。廣義來説,生產關係除了生產,還可以放大到分配、交換和消費各個環節之中。
Historical Materialism.
The significance of science lies, to some extent, in the discovery of laws or regularities. For example, the periodic table of elements reveals the laws governing elements, while the theory of evolution uncovers the laws of biological evolution. These laws not only explain the past but can also predict future developments. Marx applied dialectical materialism to summarize the laws of development in human history, a framework he termed "historical materialism."
Historical materialism posits that productive forces determine the relations of production, and the economic base determines the superstructure. These are the fundamental laws of development in human society.
First, productive forces determine the relations of production.
Marx believed that humans must first address the issue of survival, which requires basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Only after securing these necessities can humans engage in activities like science, politics, art, and religion. The acquisition of these necessities requires "production," which involves the use of tools, raw materials, technology, capital, and energy, collectively known as the "means of production."
The productive forces of a society are formed from the combination of labor and the means of production, representing the capacity for production.
In a narrow sense, the "relations of production" refer to the relationships among individuals during the production process. In a capitalist society, the bourgeoisie owns the means of production, while the proletariat does not and can only offer their physical or mental labor to capitalists. Broadly speaking, the relations of production encompass not only production but also extend to distribution, exchange, and consumption.
Marx argued that, according to the principles of dialectical materialism, the development of productive forces determines changes in the relations of production. At the same time, the relations of production can react upon the productive forces—advanced relations of production promote the development of productive forces, while backward relations of production hinder it.
For example, throughout Western history, the productive forces of stone tools gave rise to the relations of production in primitive communist tribes. The emergence of metal tools resulted in the relations of production between slave owners and slaves. The development of smelting technology led to the relations of production between feudal lords and tenant farmers. The replacement of manual production by machines like the steam engine led to the relations of production between capitalists and workers. Each transformation in the relations of production has led to more advanced productive forces and a more efficient utilization of the means of production.
According to the law of the negation of the negation, capitalism was the most advanced relations of production at the time, and it played a role in boosting productive forces. However, capitalism gives rise to monopolies and cyclical economic crises, while the exploitation of labor by capitalists and the intensification of class struggle collectively hinder the further development of productive forces. Therefore, Marx asserted that capitalism contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction.
Second, the economic base determines the superstructure.
The "economic base" refers to the mode of production in society, which includes productive forces and the relations of production. The "superstructure" encompasses the political and legal systems in society, as well as its culture, ideologies, and philosophies.
The economic base is the determining factor that shapes the nature of the superstructure. However, the superstructure also reacts upon the economic base. The superstructure provides political support for the economic base and promotes various ideologies to the public. When the superstructure aligns with the economic base, it reinforces it; when it does not, it exerts a negative influence.
Take the Industrial Revolution as an example. The steam engine replaced human and animal labor, and large factories replaced small manual workshops, leading to the relations of production between capitalists and workers. These changes in the economic base transformed the superstructure, including political systems and social ideologies, transitioning from feudalism to capitalism and ultimately replacing feudal authority with capitalism.
Historical materialism holds that in class societies, social contradictions are concentrated in class struggle. The opposition and struggle between different classes are the primary driving forces of social development. Class struggle manifests in various forms. In the case of capitalism, it ranges from large-scale revolutions to minor disputes over the minimum wage, all of which result from the struggle between capitalists and workers.
Marxist philosophy is generally understood to consist of two parts: dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Together, they form the worldview and methodology of Marxism.
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